Monday, March 9, 2015

Digital Citizenship

Last year the Elementary Library Media Specialist and Tech Integrator piloted a Digital Citizenship program utilizing Common Sense Media; from this pilot we prepared recommendations for curriculum implementation. 

Common Sense Media has developed a Digital Passport Program accessible through their website and also as an a app. This year, all of our 5th grade classes will complete the Digital Passport to earn their certificate. They will review basic safety online and proper use skills. Lessons outlined include: Password Safety, Communication Guidelines, Privacy Awareness, Cyberbullying, Keyword Search and Citing of Sources.

Each of the lessons include short/ high impact videos featuring kids, discussion prompts and game-like activities. We cover some topics with the video and discussion aspects of these lessons in earlier grades, so that student awareness of being safe and respectful online begins in Grade 2. 

As we continue to utilize technology and all of the resources it can put at our fingertips, we must also be conscientious of extending our behavior expectations into this medium. It is not just Digital Citizenship, this is truly about teaching and modeling for our students how to be a good person.